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                                                                        Successful Applications

                                                                               1989 /2021

                                                                              Over 30 years 


   OEM Clients                                                                        


Broward Yachts

Donzi / Roscioli       

Viking Yachts 

Buddy Davis

Spencer Yacht

Sunny Briggs

Blackwell Yachts

Ocean Yachts

Fleming Yachts

Hinckley Yachts

Hines Farley Yachts

Jim Smith Yachts

Scarborough Yachts

Tim Winters Yachts

Jarrett Bay Yachts

Riviera Yachts


San Lorenzo Yachts

IAG Yachts

Palmer Johnson Yachts

Trinity Yachts

Egg Harbor Yachts

Willis Marine Yachts



Our systems have been successfully proven on a wide range of hulls from 30' to over 200' with power from 300 hp to 5770 hp with over 500 OEM and retrofits installations world wide.



Ten reasons why your next yacht or commercial vessel should be built using a Von'Widmann System.

1.   We meet and exceed all engine company's requirements for engine back pressure & cylinder head temperatures without diverting any engine raw water cooling makes for a safer exhaust system.

2.   Our systems are designed to maximize engine performance and hull efficiency by the lowest back pressure within the marine industry.

3.   Reduces insurance cost do to being a much safer exhaust system 70% less hose clamps and less heat.

4.   We eliminate exhaust steam and exit exhaust heat to the lowest in the industry good for boat are ocean environment.

5.   Longer engine life by reducing engine back pressure and cylinder head temperatures.

6.   Increases resale value of the hull.

7.   More efficient installation lowers labor cost to the builder.

8.   Designed as a life time system no replacement need.

9.   Quiet and clean running

10. No better system on the world market that can deliver the above benefits to the end buyer & the builder that is looking for the very best for their clients.



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