Von'Widmann Designs, LLC
Design Objectives : This is a proposed design that is under review by United States Coast Guard in Baltimore, Maryland in 2016 .
Objectives: 1. Cut fleet maintenance cost by 70% over present system.
2. Provide a safer exhaust system then the present system.
3. Reduce exhaust heat signature by 90% over present exhaust system.
4. Reduce vessel exhaust weight by 60% over present system.
5. Increase space by 50% over present system.
6. Helping in reducing ocean temperatures cooler exiting exhaust temperatures.
After reviewing and inspection of the present exhaust system on the Coast Guard's new Sentinel class cutter I found the present exhaust system a very high maintenance system plus taking up need space and adding to unnecessary extra weight to the vessel. Our design proposal would save unneccessary maintenance cost and provide a safer overall system . Due to our ability to repidly cool the exiting exhaust heat we can eliminate vessel heat signature and reduce exiting water temperatures to very close to outside ambient ocean temperature a benefit to our ocean's.
AUSTAL Design Proposal
2017/ 2018
In 2017 we visted the AUSTAL facility in Mobile, Alabama to look at the passibility of using our exhaust technology using the new MTU 8000 seires with our experience with both the MTU 2000 & 4000 series and our calculations as to gas cfm and engine raw water flow we were very confident we could design an exhaust system with the design objectivs.
1.Meet MTU back pressure requirements
2. Reduce engine exhaust exit sound .
3. Save need space by the removal of interior large mufflers.
4. Reduce or eliminate exhaust head signature .
After a very long review we also understood we could also help in better performance and stability especially in the lower recovery speed by designing a modified design of one of our early hull performance system that was so successful both as a hull performance syatem as well as an exhaust system.
The idea is to being the exhaust out the side of the inner hull using a exhaust duct design into an after chamber downward to the bottom exhaust exit. Using the water flow pressure. Using a modified delta wing design with a built in trim system to be controled using the vessel gyro system . If placed at the right water flow this system will
1. Give some needed lift
2. The wing surface combined with trim system should help in stabilizing the vessel during lower speed recovery operations one of the primary missions of this vessel.
This is our proposal for 2018