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Morning e-mail ? Up-date May 1st 2018

I am looking buying a new Viking but the broker had no knowledge of this new system of yours is it presently available at this time:

No it is not presently available at this time but working on the design and will be sending out our proposals to OEM builders in the next few weeks a new installation method is being designed at this time for a one -off FRP vessel at this time.

We feel very confident we will be getting much interest over the next few months we are always interested in any one off custom projects. Tooling up for the entire industry is not an issue we are only awaiting the first OEM project. Based on a number of recent conversations with builders and sport fish Captain's and owners it seems the number one buzz word is needing more room for fuel with builders looking to the future I am shore everyone is looking for the same thing from their clients more power more fuel and more stuff just human nature.

Based on my knowledge boat building and design and looking at future power and equipment requirements I don't think it will be very long before this new system is available to a wide range of boat builders. In the meantime we are finalizing two modular drop-in systems the first is for the maximum engine power in the future for the new MTU 2800 .

We are working out the final details of the installation in FRP hulls the bonding pads would be molded into the hull at initial lay-up . The cost of this system will be about twice the cost of a conventional pipe systems. But the labor saving is estimated 90% less labor & materials.

We our looking at an installation time of under 60 min. One hour.

The system is a win-win for the builder and the client the builder gets the needed room to satisfy his client's power needs and the client gets the best exhaust system designed that was designed around his MTU engine system for quiet and efficient operation.

And the overall cost to the builder come very close to what he was paying for his present conventional exhaust system with the labor savings. Also we can offer a much safer system we have no hose connections below the water line. Most likely reduce manufacturers liability and clients insurance .

In the next few weeks we will be making appointments with builders to sign up for 2019 & 20 production schedules.

So to answer the question not available but coming very soon

From the desk of , George Von'Widmann


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