New Stringer System Design & Book coming soon.
In 2024 one of my projects is going to be writing a book on how I got into the exhaust business from the 1980's to present. It's been an interesting experience from the early 1980s in Stuart Florida my first company Delta Airo~Flo to my latest accomplishments in design.
The story of an outsider that understood how to think outside the box in fixing problems. My philosophy in design 'I have always designed as if I was designing for my own boat it's the way I design from my first exhaust design in the mid -1980s on a 36' Jersey to the 215 ' Palmar Johnson all totally successful in fact more than successful. Anyway, it should make some good reading and some of the people I have met along the way over the years some good and a few not so good. Over the last year I have been busy also redesigning the stringer system design for my working partner as you all know Johan and I have been working together sense early 2000's when I first met him when I did the first big stringer system design on the 105' Broward sport fish when he was working for De'Angelo Marine Exhaust in Fort Lauderdale so we have had a long history together now with his own company Viking Marine Exhaust. A few months ago just before he made his move to CINTEX Industries in Georgia I gave Johan some concept drawing of this new stringer system design I took everything that we learned over the years and came up with in my view one of the best Marine wet exhaust designs within our industries the main design objective is space saving and ease of installation as well as a universal fit for a wide range of horsepower applications.
In the next few weeks, I will be posting the finished design on this site I do believe most any boat builder will be happy to see the footprint. This new design will also solve several issues with the Carolina boat builders as to running angle issues I have eliminated the wedge. The design is simple with a small footprint from engine room to transom. On boats that need more lift such as the heavier hull line of boats we can continue using the same bottom wedge design but on the lighter faster hull such as boats like Spencer we now can eliminated the bottom wedge and still maintain engine back pressure as to the new Caterpillar B engines we know how to increase the needed back pressure as needed. After more than 30 years of RD and experience and taking everything we have learned going back to the mid 1980s and putting a few things together such as our early Formula yacht applications in the late 1990’s and the successful 110’ motor yacht Prestige the first drip in exhaust and now understanding how to reduce the size to as little as passable I feel this new drop-in design will solve a wide range of issues in future boat building in short this new design is just what I do constantly refining the design as I have done from the very beginning. Come back for more updates I believe you all will be quite impressed by this redesign.