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Boat building

When I first started out in this marine business as a skipper the biggest issue was always needed space and now it’s has become a even bigger problem specially in the sport fish boats were space has always been needed. With larger power & the need for more fuel plus all the other new stuff like sea keepers , water 💧 makers , ice makers space below deck has become a nightmare for yacht designs & boat builders. I could say a lot about the benefits of my accomplishments with my work in exhaust system design . But if I had to pick today the number 1 would be the design of our stringer exhaust design. Using Unusable space from the outboard stringer to the chime . Now in a total drop-in design being manufactured by Viking Marine Exhaust in Miami , Florida . You have to get the exhaust out of the boat someway you may as well do it the most efficient way passable and taking up as little space as possible.


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